
Lawn & Garden

Plants, Seeds, Soil, Chemical, & More

Lawn & Garden

We carry a variety of lawn & garden items, including:

  • Lime
  • Fertilizer
  • Herbicides
  • Grass Seed
  • Top Soil
  • Insecticides
  • Rodenticides
  • Wheat Straw
  • Pine Straw
  • Potting Soils
  • Manure
  • Vegetable Seed & Plants
  • Hummingbird Feeders & Nectar
  • Wild Bird Feeders & Houses
  • Corinthian Bell Chimes
  • Aion Mosquito Barrier
  • Aion Fly Barrier
  • Slogger’s Shoes, Boots, & Hats

A sample of brands:

  • Fox Farms
  • Baccto
  • Black Kow
  • Quick Straw (Pine Straw)
  • Hi Yield
  • Fertilome
  • Bonnie Plants
  • Grazon Next
  • Advion
  • Aion
  • Corinthian
  • Bell Chimes
  • Central Garden
  • Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue
  • Titan Ultra
  • Centi-seed

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